Guidance for Authors
Any article for the Kurukan Fuga Journal should have a title, an abstract (approximately 250 words) and 5 keywords organized in alphabetical order plus the text of the article. The surname (s) and first name (s) of the author (s), as well as the institutional affiliation must appear under the title of the article.
Structure of the article :
Any article submitted to The Kurukan Fuga Journal should respect the following structure or format:
- For an article which is a theoretical and fundamental contribution, the following structure is recommended: Title, First name and Last name of the author, Home institution, email address, Summary in French, Keywords, Abstract, Key words, Introduction (justification of the theme, problematic, scientific hypotheses / objectives, approach), articulated development, Conclusion, Bibliography.
- On the other hand, for an article resulting from field research, the following structure is recommended: Title, First name and Last name of the author, Home institution, email address, Summary in French, Keywords, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Bibliography.
Body of the article : The articulations of an article, with the exception of the introduction, the conclusion, the bibliography, must be titled, and numbered by figures (examples: 1.; 1.1.; 1.2; 2.; 2.2.; 2.2.1; 2.2.2.; 3.; etc.). The quoted passages are presented in roman and in quotation marks. When the quoting sentence and the citation exceed three lines, you should break the line, to present the citation (leading 1) in roman and indented, decreasing the font size by one point. Citation references are incorporated into the citing text, as the case may be, in the following ways: (Initial (s) of First Name or Given Names and Author, year of publication, pages cited); Initial (s) of First Name (s) and Author (s) (year of publication, pages cited).
Examples of Quotes :
- Example of a short quote in English :
Donkor (2021) explained: « the completion of senior secondary school by students is not necessarily a guarantee of their acquisition of adequate environmental knowledge as envisaged by the syllabus of ES » (p.80).
- Example of a long quote in English :
Keita (2020) in talking about environmental studies rightly explains as follows:
It is possible that environmental study is regarded as a second –class subject. Under such circumstances, both teachers and students may devote less time and effort to it resulting in less effective teaching and learning. Also, the subject is not independently assessed in the final examination of students. As a result, students may specialize in the Agricultural Science component at the expense of Environmental Studies and yet may obtain an overall pass in Agricultural Science and Environmental Studies. Thus, students’ effort may have been affected by the lack of a separate grade for their performance in Environmental Studies (p.9).
- Example of a short quote in French :
En réalité, l’objective recherché par M. Coulibaly (2020, p. 211), est « d’élargir le champ des sciences sociales et humaines aux formes d’expression littéraire, particulièrement les littératures car la littérature est à l’origine une science sociale et humaine contrairement à ce que certains pensent ou prétendent. »
- Example of a long quote in French :
En parlant d processus du sous-développement, un chercheur africain écrit :
Le processus du sous-développement résultant du choc des cultures est vécu tristement par les populations africaines comme une crise d’ensemble : crise socio-économique, mais aussi crise socio-culturelle et de civilisation révélant une impréparation socio-historique et une inadaptation des cultures africaines aux formes de vie imposées par les réalités de la mondialisation. (Koné, 2019, p.86).
NB :Historical sources, oral information references and explanatory notes are numbered in a continuous series and presented at the bottom of the page.
About the bibliography : The various elements of a bibliographic reference are presented as follows:
LAST NAME and First name (s) of the author, Year of publication, Title zone, Place of publication, Publisher zone, pages (pp.) Of articles for a journal. In the title zone, the title of an article is presented in roman and between quotation marks, that of a book, a dissertation or a thesis, a report, a review or a journal is presented in italics. In the Publisher area, we indicate the Publishing House (for a work), the Name and the number / volume of the journal (for an article). In the event that a work is a translation and / or a reissue, the name of the translator and / or the edition must be specified after the title (eg: 2nd ed.). Bibliographic references are presented in alphabetical order of author’s name. For example :
- Coulibaly, Aboubacar Sidiki. (2019). Defining African Literature in the Era of Globalization, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
- Ofori, Kwaku. (2009). “A Preliminary Phonology of Anum”, in Gumaga International Journal of Language and Literature, N°3, Ghana: Yamens Publishing House.pp.51-78.
- Minkailou, Mohamed. (2016). “Exploring Euphemism in Standard Songhai, in Recherches Africaines, N°16, Bamako: ULSHB.pp.31-39.